This cat on instagram. His name is Toulouse and Amanda of RustBeltThreads (an amazing etsy vintage shop!) is his happy owner. You should follow rustbeltthreads on ig for more Toulouse greatness.
Seeing pics of him pop up on my ig feed never gets old. Just look at that face.
Seeing pics of him pop up on my ig feed never gets old. Just look at that face.
This song by Foals. It's called "My Number" and it kind of sounds like something reminiscent of the 80s.
At least to me. Which is probably why I really like it.

This show, "Boardwalk Empire". We don't have HBO at my house, so we miss all the good stuff like Game of Thrones, Girls, Shameless and, of course, Boardwalk Empire. But I do have a library card and my name finally made it to the top of the waiting list for Season 1. Just started watching it this week and so far, it's a really good show.

This book, "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?". This is another result of me having a library card. Gotta love the library. I just picked it up, in addition to, "Silver Linings Play Book", so I should have plenty of good reading material to keep me entertained for at least the rest of August.
This blog, "Simply Grove". Kirsten Grove is an interior stylist and, man, she's totally got my number when it comes to design. I'm absolutely 100% in love with 100% of the design images that she features on her blog, as well as, on her Pinterest and Instagram accounts. Just click on over to www.simplygrove.com and see for yourself how Pin-crazy you'll become once you have a look at all the design inspiration goodness.
That's about it for this week. What kind of things have caught your fancy lately?
cheers, Julie
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