something to try: top shot photography

Ah yes, it's 2013, and all of a sudden we are all photographers.  Our world makes it very easy to be one, too.  Social media has unapologetically taken over our lives and along with it, photography has become an integral part.  Cell phones insist on the inevitable constant companionship of a camera at all times.  Most of us therefore can't resist snapping a photo here and there throughout the day and sharing them with all of our friends, fans and followers.  It's not a bad thing.  But bad photography is.  Fortunately, there are many really fantastic photography examples out there to follow, which can teach us a lesson or two on what to do or not do.  The top shot is one such example of a photography "do" that I just happen to be in love with.
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clockwise from top:  1 // 2 // 3 // 4
For me, a top shot photo garners instant respect for the photographer.  It not only shows off a level of mad creativity, but also that effort was put into getting that perfect angle and thus maximizing the impact of the subject matter.  I doubt any one of the above collections would be quite as interesting without a nice top shot.

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Top shots of office supplies and desk tops exhibit the beautiful shapes of each object.

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Top shot lifestyle photos show a more complete picture of what is happening at a particular moment.

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from the left:  1 // 2 // 3
Food photography has to be my favorite of the top shot category.  It is the modern day version of classic still life art.  What better way to see all the ingredients of a particular dish or meal?  Again, serious respect for the photographer who chooses to take top shots of food.  When you see one of these, you instantly know that this person was most likely standing on a chair over a table in a restaurant or at a friend's dinner party trying to get the perfect angle.  It truly is an art form.

You can be a top shot artist, too.  Just grab a chair or step ladder, get up high, and shoot from above.  
You just might be a top shot master!

Cheers, Julie

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