Can we talk about brass for a minute? For a long time, brass and anything having to do with the goldish tone was totally out. I myself was completely grossed out by all of those brassy goldish door knobs and drawer pulls that came with my 1996 constructed condo. I hated the pretty brass bed that I grew up with. I secretly loathed every brass light fixture that was installed in my parents' big beautiful new construction home.
But that was then. And this is now. Now I'm craving that tiny of touch of glamour in my own home.
Here's the thing about brass: It must be used in small doses. Just a smidge too much and you're headed into brass overload. The way to keep it classy is to add an accent piece here and there. Perhaps it is best to think of it as jewelry for a room. Maybe add a bowl here, a light fixture there, an occasional table there. Then to be on the safe side, take one piece away.
Emily Henderson knows how to do it right. All of the interior design inspirations shown in this post are all hers. Want success with brass in your abode? Follow Emily's example and you're in.

Shopping for some hits of brass to add to your place? Here are a few pieces that shouldn't be hard to find:

Just click the links below to purchase your own.
three: martini side table by west elm // four: walker sconce by pottery barn //
Here's a not-so-secret secret about finding super budget-friendly brass pieces: Hit up the Goodwill store nearby. The home goods section usually always has a whole aisle devoted to some of those long ago shunned little gems of glamour that I'm currently coveting. And that's one place that you will most likely find me in the near future, too.
How do you feel about brass? Are you in or still on the fence about it?
cheers, Julie
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